Tech Ether Guild (TEG) belt buckles are popular among collectors and revered for the quality of their "red brass" and construction methods. The best information resource I'm aware of is the Tech Ether Guild Facebook page where some original members have commented on the company and how it operated.
Most of the TEG buckle designs were named and included in quotation marks on the back of the buckle. The earliest TEG buckles had no markings but sales catalogs from the company document the design names. The manufacturer Banshee Brass appears to predate the Tech Ether Guild and artist Jesse Mcleod has some association with both companies. Buckle designs such as "Colorado Sunrise" and "Azalea" can be found with the Banshee Brass markings or with no markings, indicating it was a TEG casting.
TEG also produced belt buckle blanks that were used by other companies to create unique buckles with stamped leather inserts, wood carvings, and casting resin (one notable example is Von West Co.). After the TEG ended, Valleau Studios (Bill Valleau) produced buckles with very similar construction. A few engraved brass buckles were produced in the 1980s with markings of both the Tech Ether Guild and Ampersand Brass. The relationship of the two companies is unknown.
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Tech Ether Guild factory poly bag

Tech Ether Guild factory poly bag